If you’re a new client seeking professional graphic design services, you may feel overwhelmed and clueless about where to start.

Let’s be honest – with so many graphic designers and design firms available, it can be difficult to navigate the world of professional graphic design and make informed decisions. This article will help you understand the design process and what to expect from a designer. We’ll also provide tips to ensure you get the best possible results from your project.

Let’s jump right in!

What is Professional Graphic Design?

illustration of small person standing on laptop

Professional graphic design is the art and practice of creating visual content to communicate information or ideas to a specific audience. 

A professional graphic design aims to create compelling visual communication that engages, informs, and inspires the intended audience. To achieve this, professional graphic designers use creative and technical skills and an understanding of design principles such as composition, color theory, typography, and layout. They also have a deep knowledge of design software and tools, such as Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, and are constantly adapting to new technologies and trends in the field.

There are many types of graphic design, such as:

Why is Professional Graphic Design Important?

illustration of designer working

We know how visuals can affect a business, but why do we need a professional to do it?

Here are a few reasons why you should leave graphic design tasks to a pro:

  • Experience and expertise. As mentioned above, a professional graphic designer has years of experience and knowledge in design principles. Our pro designers here at Penji know typography, color theory, and visual communication, allowing our clients to focus on other aspects of their business. They know how to combine various elements to create compelling designs that convey the intended message.
  • Attention to detail. A pro graphic designer knows what bad design looks like and works to avoid it at all costs. They also pay close attention to details such as alignment, spacing, and contrast, which can significantly impact a design’s overall look and feel.
  • Consistency. Design experts can create a consistent visual brand identity across all marketing materials. This helps to establish a strong brand image and increases brand recognition.
  • Time-saving. Modern graphic designers have access to tools and software that streamline the design process and enable them to work more efficiently. This saves time and ensures that deadlines are met.
  • Legal protection. Experienced designers are well-versed in copyright and trademark laws and can ensure that designs do not infringe on existing trademarks or copyrights. This protects the business from legal disputes and potential damages.

An amateur design may save money in the short term, but it can ultimately harm a business’s image and credibility.

Unlimited Graphics for Your Brand

Power your business with custom designs

What Is the Role of a Professional Designer?

If it’s your first time working with a pro graphic designer, the scope of their job may not be clear to you. A pro designer does the following:

  • Work with clients to understand their needs and goals
  • Help develop a creative concept
  • Execute that concept to create a final design product that meets the client’s needs

We’ve already established that design experts have a good grasp of design principles and have strong technical skills in using design software. In addition to these, a designer must also be able to communicate effectively with clients and work collaboratively throughout the design process.

TIP: Communication is a crucial part of getting the designs you need. Often, the email back-and-forth can be a gruesome process, so make sure that you hire a graphic design service with a transparent communication system that saves time and energy.

Where Can You Get Professional Graphic Design Services?

illustration of professional graphic designer

There are several places where you can get professional graphic design services. Here are some of the most common options:

  • Freelance platforms. Many online platforms, such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr, connect businesses and individuals with freelance graphic designers.
  • Independent designers. You can also find independent graphic designers through word-of-mouth referrals, online directories, or social media platforms like LinkedIn or Behance.
  • Online marketplaces. Online marketplaces such as 99designs or DesignCrowd allow businesses to launch design contests and receive submissions from a pool of freelance designers, allowing you to select the best design from multiple options.
  • In-house designers. Having an in-house design team can be valuable for larger organizations, allowing for greater collaboration and control over the design process.
  • Unlimited graphic design services. Unlimited graphic design services like Penji offer designs at a flat monthly rate. As the designers are hired and trained by the company, you won’t have to go through the tedious process of hiring an in-house artist or looking for a freelance designer for your project. 

TIP: When selecting a professional graphic design service, consider factors such as experience, expertise, and cost. It also pays to check out their design portfolio to see if their style works with your concept.

How Can You Get Professional Graphic Designs?

Different graphic designers use different processes in accepting graphic design requests from clients. For instance, some freelance designers may require a scheduled video call to understand your requirements.

Here at Penji, we’ve developed a user-friendly app that makes requesting graphic designs fast and easy. Here’s how you can request a design from us once you’ve subscribed to our services at a flat monthly rate: 

Step 1. Create a Project

Penji custom design platform interface

On our app dashboard, click the “+ New Project” button. Type in a title for the project and choose from the categories within the dropdown list. In the description box, describe the project in detail. Here are a few things you may need to mention to allow your designer to understand the project:

  • What the design seeks to achieve
  • How and where will the design be used
  • Concepts or ideas you have in mind
  • Dimensions of the image
  • Preferred color palette

TIP: You can attach image files or include links to images that you want the designer to use as inspiration. 

Step 2: Review the Draft

Penji custom design platform interface

The project will be assigned to a designer who specializes in your chosen category. They will send you a message to confirm that they’ve received your request. They’ll also let you know if they have any questions regarding the brief. Once a draft is complete, you’ll receive the file through the app. If you want anything revised, you can click that part and type in your comments or instructions.

Step 3: Download the Design

Penji custom design platform interface

Once you’re 100 percent happy with the image, hit the Download button. The file will then be saved automatically to your computer. 

You can then mark the project complete. On the review page, you can type in your comments about how your designer handled your project. 

If you’re wondering what professional graphic design looks like, here are a few samples of the images we’ve done for clients in the past:

Penji portfolio

View a video demo and see how Penji works!