Did the image of a Pope donning a puffer Balenciaga jacket surprise you? Or did the viral photo of Trump getting arrested make your eyes bulge? While these images might be too believable, both were fake. All thanks to an AI text-to-graphics editor called DALL-E

You might have heard of DALL-E or DALL-E 2 from a friend or read about it online. But what is DALL-E? Why is this tool garnering many subscribers daily? And why must marketers use this for brand advertising? Here’s everything you need to know. 

What is DALL-E? 

Launched in January 2021, DALL-E is a generative AI technology that creates new images using text to graphics prompts. It’s a neural network that generates new images in many variations based on user prompts. 

The “DALL” in DALL-E is from the Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali. Meanwhile, the “E” is from Wall-E, a fictional Disney robot. DALL-E is the brainchild of a popular AI vendor OpenAI, using deep learning models coupled with the language model GPT-3.

The text-to-image descriptions are called prompts. And the software bases the AI art on these prompts to create realistic images.

AI art

For the genius who entered the prompt “Pope wearing a Balenciaga,” the outcome was spectacular and realistic! 

How does DALL-E work?

Dall-e website

A user enters any prompt, and DALL-E uses deep natural language processing alongside a computer vision generation called Hierarchical Text-Conditional Image Generation. The software then pairs the images with their captions. 

Here’s a rundown on how DALL-E generates images from text prompts:

  • A user enters a text prompt and utilizes Contrastive Language Image Pre-training or CLIP. CLIP is trained on 400 million images and their associated captions. 
  • An encoder-decoder technology called Transformer with Attention captures semantic information and generates an image embedding from the text embedding.
  • A diffusion model called Generative Adversarial Network or GAN decodes the semantic information and transforms it into an image. The image is then fed into convolutional neural networks and upscaled to 64×64, then 256×256, and finally to 1024×1024.

Difference between DALL-E and DALL-E 2

DALL-E is the predecessor of the most recent generative AI technology DALL-E 2. DALL-E 2 was launched in April 2022, with much higher quality images than the first model.

The primary difference between DALL-E and DALL-E 2 is the resolution of the images. OpenAI claims that DALL-E 2 can create images with up to four times the resolution than DALL-E. 

DALL-E generates images from a simple text, whereas DALL-E 2 can “diffuse” more complex descriptions. Another apparent difference is also the speed of graphics production. DALL-E 2 can produce more variations in a few seconds than DALL-E.

Regarding realistic and high-resolution images, DALL-E 2 image outputs are more extensive and detailed. Meanwhile, DALL-E created cartoon-like images against a simple background. 

DALL-E 2 is also better than its counterpart in editing and retouching images. It also offers a feature called variations, generating multiple variations. You may even add another image, and DALL-E 2 will merge the most crucial parts of each image. 

How to use DALL-E/DALL-E 2

Signing up for DALL-E means getting 50 free credits on the first month and 15 free credits on the second month. Here’s how to use the DALL-E platform:

Dall-e homepage
  • Sign up with your email and verify your phone number
  • Type a prompt on the DALL-E homepage or click “Surprise me” if you’re not feeling creative. Click Generate.
  • Choose from the four AI-generated graphic designs, and click Edit if you wish. 
  • Select Download, Save, or Share if you want to use it for marketing or publish on DALL-E’s feed.

How to use DALL-E for marketing

DALL-E or DALL-E 2 is exceptional at taking a sole focus subject and transforming this into a complex scene. DALL-E can infuse artistry and creative details to create something beautiful from a simple subject. And this is why marketers are using this AI graphic design software for their branding and marketing assets. 

Use product images to paint a scenario

illustration of a pink house

Marketers present products and services to customers in a way that they can envision themselves using the products or services. For instance, if you’re in real estate, you can use DALL-E to create a beautiful room layout or house with a stunning garden landscape. 

Create more compelling banner ads

Marketers can also use DALL-E to create compelling banner ads or online ads. These days, mundane ad designs can easily drown in a sea of competition. Adding some artistic transformations to your main product will make you stand out. 

Unique website hero images

Your website is one of the most vital business assets. You can make your homepage sell by integrating large hero images, such as illustrations or realistic photos. Include eye-catching pictures with fonts that make website visitors purchase. 

Blog graphics that convey the message

pen and paper illustration

Blogs are primarily informational content that delivers particular messages to readers. Some readers learn through visuals more than reading. And DALL-E is the perfect software to capture text and transform it into graphics. 

Posters and other print materials

If you’re distributing print marketing materials, DALL-E is the perfect AI graphic design platform. You can keep your designs diverse and unique by typing multiple prompt variations. If you’re in the t-shirt printing industry, DALL-E could be the answer to an efficient design and printing process. 

How much does DALL-E cost?

Marketers and individuals will find this AI design tool cost-efficient. Free credits were granted to early software adopters who signed up before April 06, 2023. 

DALL-E costs are based on credits. A DALL-E credit is used whenever an image is generated after a text prompt. Here’s a rundown of the DALL-E pricing:

  • 115 credits for only $15
  • 1024×1024 for $0.020/image
  • 512×512 for $0.018/image
  • 256×256 for $0.016/image

Final Thoughts: Is DALL-E worth it for brands and marketers?

DALL-E is undoubtedly the next best thing in AI generative design technology. Apart from being a robust, speedy, and intelligent AI graphic design tool, DALL-E’s competitive pricing is also an attractive factor. But is using DALL-E for all your branding and marketing assets worth it? 

Yes and no. 

Although you get quick graphics from this software, there could be a few things to consider. For instance, issues of copyright are a concern for users. Moreover, the legitimacy of generated images could also result in your company catching flak. If your style is more abstract, DALL-E might need to live up to expectations as the software struggles with abstract concepts

Marketers can use DALL-E for occasional social media visuals to create buzz online. They can also use DALL-E’s generated art for blog posts to give writeups better structure. However, for branding assets like logos, business cards, and such, it’s best to work with experts. 

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