ChatGPT is facing serious competition from emerging conversational chatbots. Some could make businesses productive, while others provide entertainment through chats. One notable competitor is Grok, Twitter’s AI model. However, can Grok hold its own against ChatGPT, or will ChatGPT remain supreme? Here’s our review of Grok vs ChatGPT.

What is Grok (Why is it Named Grok?)

grok logo

Before we review each AI model’s features, pricing, pros and cons, let’s briefly explore what Grok is. 

Grok is X’s (formerly Twitter) AI model, which allows Twitter users to interact with the AI model in real time. 

Mashable has come up with theories as to why the AI model was named Grok. The first theory is the actual meaning of the word, meaning understand with empathy or intuition. Another theory is that it comes from science fiction. The word Grok means “to drink.”

However, the social media company says that the AI was inspired by the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. This means that AI can answer any user prompt.



grok home page

Grok, first and foremost, is a conversational AI. You can send it random questions or queries. Next, Grok can help you translate words or sentences. Plus, it can summarize web content. Since it’s a generative AI, it can create stories and poems. Additionally, it can code and research. Finally, it can multitask!


chatgpt ui

ChatGPT is well-known for its conversational feature. You can ask the AI anything, and it will answer your query. Aside from your typical Q&A, ChatGPT can offer some suggestions, like travel and grocery, for instance. In its advanced model, it can generate images. Plus, you can use other GPT models to boost your productivity! Aside from this, it can help you with coding.


grok pricing

Since Grok is available on the Premium tiers, here are the pricing plans:

  • Premium – $8/mo
  • Premium+ – $16/mo

Meanwhile, ChatGPT has four tiers. Subscription tier features depend on the plan you select.

chatgpt pricing
  • Free
  • Plus – $20/mo
  • Team  – $25/mo
  • Enterprise – Contact sales

Language Learning Model

OpenAI developed ChatGPT. Meanwhile, X uses a custom-built model for Grok, called Grok-1, now evolved into Grok 1.5. It was developed with Rust, Kubernetes, and JAX.

Pros and Cons of Grok and ChatGPT



  • Converse with users directly on Twitter without leaving the social media site
  • Research, ask questions, create code
  • Uses real-time knowledge


  • Switch between two language learning models and generate images
  • Create and use other GPT models
  • Integrate ChatGPT into workflows to become more productive



  • Available only for Premium Twitter users
  • Can’t generate images


  • ChatGPT information is available until April 2023
  • Responses remain inaccurate and still need further checking

Alternative Conversational Chatbots

Google Gemini

google gemini logo

Gemini is Google’s AI chatbot. Like ChatGPT, Google will help you become more productive at work, compose emails, generate copy, code, and research. By default, Google Flights, Hotels, Maps, and YouTube are integrated into Gemini. You can also allow Google Workspace access in Gemini to help you locate files. Plus, Gemini can summarize docs or spreadsheets.

Microsoft Copilot

microsoft copilot logo

Microsoft’s Copilot is another conversational chatbot to consider. Its language model is from the OpenAI model, similar to ChatGPT. However, its edge against ChatGPT is the GPT-4 model is readily available to the public. Additionally, Copilot users don’t need to subscribe to use Dall-E. Microsoft Copilot can generate images. However, image generation takes a while. Plus, free users get 15 boosts daily.


hugging face logo

HuggingChat is considered one of the first open-source alternatives to ChatGPT. You can choose between various language learning models when using HuggingChat. Additionally, you can use plug-ins for free to help you code, chat with an AI, get advice, or research. One of its limitations is that you need to double check your sources when it generates content.

perplexity ai acts like a search engine that provides users with real-time data from search engines on the user’s queries. However, you can “chat” with Perplexity by selecting “Related” questions or asking for a follow-up. Users must sign up for Perplexity to leverage its benefits. Plus, you can use on the go.

You Chat

you logo

You Chat is similar to Perplexity where you can ask a question and it will provide you with an answer with references. You can ask You Chat to regenerate its response. Plus, you can ask other suggested questions. Additionally, you can switch between various tones or styles and upload a file.


writesonic logo

Chatsonic is unique from other conversational AI tools because it uses multiple learning language models. Plus, they observe adaptability. This means it will generate based on which model is faster and has the lowest latency.

Signing up for Chatsonic is necessary to use the full benefits of their chatbot. Even without upgrading to their GPT-4 model, you can upload files like PDFs, images, audio, and URLs. However, it couldn’t summarize my uploaded document when I tried it.

Chatsonic was built by Writesonic!


pi logo

Pi is another chatbot to whom you need to talk. It’s a personal intelligence bot to help you with learning, mental health, and other personality or behavioral matters. You don’t need an account to use Pi. Here are some use cases with Pi:

  • Horoscope and astrology
  • News
  • Mental health
  • Teasers and puzzles
  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Email writing
  • Habit creation

However, Pi is explicit in saying that it still makes mistakes. It’s better to double check its outputs before acting on it.

jasper logo

Our final chatbot alternative is Jasper. This one is for marketing purposes. You can rely on by asking marketing and social-media related questions or asking for copy or content. From there, you could ask Jasper to tweak its output or ask them to elaborate on certain outputs or concepts. Finally, you can make final edits or place the content into a doc for the finishing touches before publishing or posting.


It’s no surprise that ChatGPT will win this debate, considering that Grok is available for Premium users only. Limited access hinders all users from trying Grok. Additionally, ChatGPT has the lead regarding features and integrations, making it the winner. 

Despite the limited access to Grok, the AI feature looks promising as an actual ChatGPT competitor. Paying Twitter users get exclusive access to this tool to get more enjoyment out of their Twitter usage. Plus, they also get to learn, code, and converse with Grok without leaving the platform.