If you’re doing a video marketing strategy, you probably have encountered the name Joel Comm. After all, he’s one of the experts in the field. You may not see him around that much in marketing circles, but the impact he’s left in the industry has helped many marketers succeed in this area. But that’s not all that he’s also known for. Read more about him here.

How Did Joel Comm Start?

Joel Comm text

On Joel Comm’s website, he states that he only had 87 cents when he started. He also says that he has been creating websites since 1995. Before that, he shared on Tara Gentile’s podcast that he was actually a DJ. In the same podcast, he revealed he started one of the oldest sites, Deal of Day; it had a forum-like approach where people shared deals from merchants. 

How Did He Become Famous?

Here’s the thing, Joel Comm did become famous, even though his name hadn’t yet. One app did. If you encountered the iFart Mobile app in 2008, that’s it. He was the one responsible for it. It was so popular it raked in almost $10,000 in one day. He actually earned $500,000 in sales just for that single app.

How Did He Disrupt the Marketing World?

Since 1995, Comm has created several websites and authored books. But it wasn’t until the rise of video marketing did he leave a major impact. He’s considered an expert in video marketing for doing live videos. He even wrote articles about video marketing trends and tips to help fellow marketers get the most out of this marketing strategy.

What Products Has He Created?

ifart homepage

As already mentioned on how he became famous, he created the iFart app. Absurd that idea may be, it did propel him to fame. Aside from that, he has also authored several books, such as:

  • The AdSense Code
  • The Fun Formula
  • Ka-Ching: Make Money Online
  • twitter power 3.0
  • Click Here to Order
  • Live Video Revolution
  • So What Do You Do? (Vols. 1 & 2)

His Net Worth

Comm has not said anything about his net worth, but multiple sources state that it is around $1 million or even more.

His Current Ventures

Although he’s no longer busy in marketing as much as he used to, he still talks about entrepreneurship and running a business. Nowadays, he’s focused more on NFTs and cryptocurrencies. He also hosts a podcast with Travis Wright called the Bad Crypto Podcast.

Eight Fun and Interesting Facts About Joel Comm

do good stuff homepage
  • Comm wrote articles in the Social Media Examiner. And he’s still a regular contributor in INC.
  • He’s been a keynote speaker for several conferences and served as a consultant for IBM, Twitter, and Microsoft.
  • His motto: Do Good Stuff. You can even buy merchandise with his motto on it. Currently, he only sells shirts. When you buy his shirts, 10% of the proceeds go to Water is Life.
  • Although his interview with Income Diary is more than ten years old, he said that he could be a radio DJ or a talk show host if he wasn’t an entrepreneur.
  • He produced and hosted an internet reality show: The Next Internet Millionaire. Contestants had the chance to win $25,000 and work with Comm on a project.
  • He did a part-time stint at Barnes and Noble. There was a blog post about it since he wanted to know what it’s like to work behind the counter. Plus, The AdSense Code had been released then.
  • That’s not his only part-time gig outside the internet. He also worked as an Uber driver.
  • He was very active on Snapchat at one point by creating engaging and valuable content. But when more marketers got on the social media network, he stopped being active as well.

Five Lessons We Can Learn

Video Marketing

As a leader in video marketing, we can learn a thing, or two, or a lot from Joel Comm. 

Live video is his specialty. He was a guest in the Agents of Change podcast. There, he shares tidbits about going on live. When you do this, always remember to engage with the audience and have a valuable conversation. He says that you can talk about any topic, even about current events or anything happening right now.

He wrote insightful articles on Social Media Examiner. His writings are ideal for beginners or those who need a refresher on live videos. He shares those tips on his blog as well. Although the blogs are almost five years old, you can still learn a lot from video marketing on different platforms like Facebook Live and Instagram Live. Moreover, you can also try doing these methods he shared on Social Media Examiner, like making your audience feel excited over deals and bargains or giving them a behind-the-scenes look about your business.

Starting a Business

To anyone starting a business, Comm revealed on the Smart Hustle Small Business Podcast to embrace the unique mix in you and channel that into your business. Plus, never be afraid to take risks if you need to.

Influencer Marketing

He believes the key to influencer marketing is finding the customer that already has made an impact with others. One that already has an audience. This customer usually shares their favorite food, clothes, and items. That said, others may be influenced by this person’s purchases.

Social Media

For Comm, it’s important to be open and authentic on social media. He shares that in his interviews in the Social Media Examiner and Denver Biz Journal. If you want to interact with people and get more followers in the process, engage and do it for good always.

Hustle Culture

He no longer believes in the hustle culture as this could lead to burnout. He has said this both on the Conscientious Marketing Podcast and the Jeff Goins Podcast. To him, it’s about following what you want to do and how you want to make it work for you.

Key Takeaways

Joel Comm demonstrates that even if you have a weird idea, it’s not bad to put it out there and see how people on the internet use it for entertainment. He has also launched several sites and wrote several books on earning money and succeeding on the internet. If he teaches us anything, don’t be afraid to do what you want and try your hand at things you might end up liking. Plus, if you have an idea, why not try it out for yourself? Who knows, you might become famous because of a silly app, or you share tips, tricks, and trends that others might benefit from as well.

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