In a world where everyone’s glued to their smartphone, it’s crucial to find a way to get audiences’ attention – and this is where SMS marketing does a great job.

If you’re yet to harness the power of using text messages to step up your marketing strategy, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of SMS marketing and how you can use it to take your campaigns to new heights.

Let’s dive right in!

What is SMS marketing?

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SMS marketing, also known as text message marketing, is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending promotional or informative messages to a targeted audience via SMS (Short Message Service). 

It leverages the widespread use of mobile phones to deliver concise and impactful messages directly to individuals’ mobile devices. In SMS marketing, businesses use permission-based marketing techniques, where recipients willingly opt-in to receive text messages from specific brands or organizations. Once users have opted in, businesses can send them relevant updates, promotions, offers, alerts, reminders, or any other valuable information via text messages.

Because the copy goes straight to their inbox (just like email marketing), there’s a high chance of getting your message in front of your audience.

What are the benefits of SMS marketing?

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SMS marketing offers several compelling benefits that make it a powerful tool for businesses. Here are some key advantages of SMS marketing:

  • High Open and Read Rates. SMS messages have an incredibly high open rate. In fact, statistics say SMS messages have an open rate of 98 percent. That’s a high number compared to just a 20 percent open rate for email direct marketing. It goes without saying that a high open rate helps ensures that your message is seen by a significant portion of your target audience, increasing the chances of engagement and action.
  • Direct and Immediate Communication. SMS marketing allows you to establish a direct line of communication with your customers. Messages are delivered straight to their mobile devices, enabling real-time communication. This immediacy makes it ideal for time-sensitive promotions, flash sales, event reminders, or urgent updates.
  • Wide Reach and Accessibility. Mobile phones have become an integral part of people’s lives, and SMS is a universally accessible feature on almost all mobile devices. SMS marketing enables you to reach a broad audience, including those who may not have access to the Internet or email. It ensures your message can reach a diverse range of customers.
  • Cost-Effective. Compared to other marketing channels, SMS marketing tends to be more cost-effective. It has lower implementation costs and doesn’t require expensive design or production elements. Additionally, text messages have higher response rates compared to other marketing channels, making SMS marketing a cost-efficient option.

How do I create an SMS marketing campaign?

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Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started with SMS marketing:

  • Step 1:  Define Your Campaign Objectives. What do you want to achieve with your SMS marketing campaign? Whether it’s increasing sales, driving website traffic, promoting a new product, or building brand awareness, having specific objectives will guide your entire campaign strategy.
  • Step 2: Build Your Subscriber List. Use various channels like website opt-ins, social media, in-store promotions, or offline events to encourage sign-ups. PRO TIP: Ensure compliance with local regulations and obtain proper consent from subscribers. Compliance with regulations will allow you to maintain a positive relationship with your subscribers and avoid legal issues.
  • Step 3: Choose a Reliable SMS Marketing Service Provider. Select a reputable SMS marketing service provider that offers robust features, reliable delivery, and compliance with relevant regulations. Look for features like list management, message scheduling, personalization options, and analytics to help you effectively manage your campaigns.
  • Step 4: Segment Your Audience. Divide your subscriber list into segments based on demographics, preferences, purchase history, or other relevant criteria. This allows you to send targeted and personalized messages that resonate with specific groups, increasing engagement and response rates.
  • Step 5: Craft Compelling and Concise Messages. Grab attention with a strong opening line, clearly communicate your offer or message, and include a clear call-to-action (CTA). Make it easy for recipients to understand the purpose of the message and take the desired action.
  • Step 6: Measure and Analyze Results. Monitor the performance of your SMS campaigns using analytics provided by your SMS marketing service provider. Track key metrics and analyze the data to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns. Use these insights to make informed decisions and refine your future SMS marketing efforts.

PRO TIP: SMS marketing is most effective when used sparingly, with relevant and valuable content. 

Tips for Successful SMS Campaigns

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when undertaking SMS campaigns

  • Timing is Everything. Choosing the right time to send your SMS messages can significantly impact their effectiveness. Consider your target audience’s daily routines, time zones, and preferences to maximize engagement and response rates.
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  • Personalization Power. Adding a personal touch to your SMS messages can enhance engagement and make subscribers feel valued. Use dynamic tags to automatically insert the recipient’s name or reference their past interactions with your brand.
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  • Compelling Call-to-Action. A strong and clear call-to-action (CTA) motivates subscribers to take the desired action. Craft compelling CTAs that encourage immediate engagement and clearly communicate the benefit of taking that action.
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  • Offer Exclusive Rewards. Make your SMS subscribers feel special by offering exclusive rewards and promotions. Provide discounts, freebies, or early access to new products or events. This fosters loyalty and encourages continued engagement.
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  • Keep it Short and Sweet. SMS messages have a limited character count, so keep your texts concise and to the point. Deliver the key message quickly and clearly, ensuring that recipients can understand and respond without any confusion.
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Tailor the SMS text copy to reflect your brand’s tone and style while adhering to the character limit. Experiment, measure results, and continuously optimize your SMS marketing strategies for optimal engagement and success.

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