The New Year is a cause for celebration. Whether you’re hosting a small gathering or a big event, you want everyone to get pumped up to say hello the year ahead. And if you want people to join in the festivities as we countdown to the start of the new year, why don’t you try using posters to promote your event? After all, posters are a cost-effective solution to advertising events. And to show you how effective New Year poster designs are, here are eight poster design ideas to get you started.

Oh, and while you’re here, we have FREE graphic designs for your upcoming New Year’s Eve celebration. Email headers, social media graphics, character illustrations are included in this all-in-one New Year’s Eve download pack. They’re all yours to download. Get them here for FREE to put new life into your upcoming New Year’s Eve posts.

Throw a Party

Image Credit: cottonbro studio from Pexels

New Year’s ideas wouldn’t be complete without the merrymaking! Throw a party for your customers or give away tickets to an event via a contest or survey. You can have an early registration on your website to gather emails and build your database. Or how about hold a survey wherein you can get insights on how people view your brand.

You can design a poster for your event using templates that you can find on Canva. But if you want something uniquely yours, you can have a team of professional graphic designers at your disposal. Subscribe to Penji now, and get stunning graphics for your New Year event!

Post Your New Year’s Resolutions

Image Credit: Tairon Fernandez from Pexels

Motivate your customers by posting your New Year’s resolutions on your social media platforms. You can also ask them to post theirs to boost engagement. You can offer a prize to make it more fun and have them stick to their promises.

Inspire people to be a better version of themselves or provide them with new ways to make their lives easier with your products or services. If you’re a restaurant owner, you can share simple recipes that would encourage people to eat healthily. You can create a lot of different strategies that are most suitable for your business like this one from Nike.

Hold a Contest

Image Credit: cottonbro studio from Pexels

Who doesn’t love to win prizes? Holding a contest can boost engagement, increase your social media following, spread brand awareness, and so much more. And one of the best times to do it is on New Year’s as consumers are on a shopping high during the holidays.

This contest example from GoodYear combines holding a contest and posting resolutions for the coming year. You can hold a writing contest, a best-recipe contest, or an Instagram hashtag contest. There are several ways to do it, all you need is to explore the ones that your audience would love to participate in.

The Yearend Roundup

Image Credit: Pixabay on Pexels

Post a yearend review of how the year went by for your business. Make sure to include your loyal customers and how they have become a big part of your company’s success in the past year. Let them know how you value their clientele and wouldn’t have made it if it weren’t for them.

A throwback article or video that highlights the company’s achievements packs so much power and emotions enough to get you the trust of new prospects and the loyalty of existing customers. Google has done it so well with this two-minute video of the year’s highs and lows.

Customer Loyalty or Referral Program

Image Credit: Blake Wisz from Unsplash

Any entrepreneur worth their salt knows that taking care of loyal customers is an important part of their marketing strategy. Repeat customers create return business and are more likely to refer you to new prospects. Giving them incentives can help generate new leads and increase sales.

A referral program is another good option or better yet, you can do both and double the results. This customer loyalty program from doTerra gives freebies for 3 consecutive months of patronage. A good example of enticing people to avail of their products.

Design for the New Year’s

Image Credit: Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Create something special for your New Year’s ideas. It can be a limited edition packaging design, a special menu, or a holiday bundle promo. Laneige, a South Korean cosmetics brand, designed this packaging specifically for the Year of the pig, 2019.

Customers will see you as a dynamic brand that keeps up with the times and constantly reinvents themselves. And when you say that it’s for a limited time only, you’re creating a sense of urgency to purchase the item as they are only available during the New Year’s.

Get On Social Media

Image Credit: Pixabay on Pexels

Let people know what you’re doing this New Year’s by announcing it on social media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many others can greatly help you spread the word around about your events and your brand as a whole. Create posts that have New Year’s themes and make sure that they are share-worthy to reach more people.

In addition, getting your business on digital directories can also help with brand awareness. Get your company listed on Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and the likes to make it easier for people to find you. 

New Year Countdown

Image Credit: Ian Schneider from Unsplash

Build excitement for the New Year by doing a countdown on your website or on social media. Make people return to your campaign again and again to instill recall. Consumers are most likely to remember you when in need of a product or service that you provide.

You can offer a prize each day and ask people to send their email addresses as entries. You can add them to your mailing list and send discounts or promo codes. This will appeal to a wider scope of an audience while helping you build your email database.

Give Back to Your Community

Image Credit: Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Show your gratitude to your community this New Year by giving back. There are many ways you can do this, one of which is to sponsor a charitable event. This New Year’s Eve Charity Ball of The Ballroom at Bayou Place will benefit a charitable organization of their guests’ choice.

Celebrating the New Year can be both fun and fulfilling for you and your customers. You can donate to your favorite cause and gain media mileage for it. Also, studies have shown that 70% of millennials are more socially responsible that they’re likely to spend more on brands that support causes.

Use Penji for Your New Year’s Marketing Campaign 

One of the reasons why a lot of business owners enjoy Penji is because their platform is extremely easy to use. It will only take you three easy steps to get your designs. Let’s give you a quick walkthrough. 

Request for a New Year-Inspired Design

penji platform

When you already have an access to Penji’s app, locate the New Project button at the top right corner of your screen. It’s quite impossible to miss. Click that so you can start giving your design specifications. 

We suggest that you provide detailed information about your design. If you can add your branding kit, the past projects, and even links that can serve as inspiration, then do so. These could help the designer kick start your project right away. 

Wait for the Draft and Send for Revision

penji platform

The designer will send the initial design within 24 – 48 hours. This largely depends on your request. The easy ones are faster, while a detailed project naturally takes longer. 

Check your email for notification in case a designer asks more questions. 

If you want to send points for revision, click the image and a comment box will appear. Type your feedback and send it to your designer. 

Download Your New Year Design

penji platform

You are at the last step of the entire transaction. When you are already happy with the project, just download it whenever you are available. And from there, you can already start your marketing campaign. 

Get to know more by signing up for one of their design plans. Do it before all the holiday rush!