205 Website Design Questions To Ask Your Clients

205 Website Design Questions To Ask Your Clients


Last updated December 4, 2020

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Creating a website from scratch is no easy task. From the web design brief down to wireframing and A/B testing, a well-designed website entails thorough communication. If you’re an agency, web developer, web designer, or marketer working on a client’s website, asking the website design questions is key to success.

Of course, make sure that the questions you ask are all relevant to the website design process. But don’t fret. We’ve listed 205 website design questions you should ask your clients for a positive user experience. And if you’re looking for a design service that can create compelling web designs, Penji can be your best design partner. Stick until the end as we show you some of Penji’s website design portfolio. 

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Current Website

Image Credit: Format on Pexels

– So, what is the purpose of your current website?
– Are there any aspects of your current website that you love?
– So, are there any aspects of your current website that you hate?
– Is there anything on the current website that needs to be removed entirely?
– Is there anything on the current website that must absolutely stay?
– Do you have multiple locations?
– So, where are they located?
– So, do you offer different products or services per location?
– What is your business’s unique value proposition (UVP)?
– What are the services you want to highlight on your website?
– Why do visitors currently go to your website?
– Is your website easy to navigate and is it easy to find information?
– Are your current website visitors being converted into sales?
– So, are your competitors’ websites more functional and have they recently been redesigned?
– Does the content on your website deliver the right message?
– Is your website a good representation of your business?
– Does your current website instill trust and confidence?
– Is it easy to update your website?
– So, are the visitors who come to your website being tracked and analyzed?
– Does your current website make it easy for website visitors to contact you?
– What tools and apps do you use to run your business?

Website Redesign

website redesign
Image Credit: Christina Morillo from Pexels

– Why do you want a new website?
– Do you have a proposed sitemap prepared?
– In an ideal world, what do you want your website to become?
– What are your specific goals for your new website that will help indicate if your investment is profitable?
– How quickly do you want to achieve these goals?
– Is there anything that you would like to have included in the new website that you lack currently?
– Will your copy need to be reviewed and approved by legal and compliance?
– So, will your legal team need to create a privacy policy for the site?
– At the end of this project, how do you qualify it as a success?

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Audience Identification

Image Credit: Helena Lopes from Pexels

– What are your audience’s pain points, needs, and challenges?
– What do you hope to achieve from your website?
– How can your website resolve your audience’s pain points?
– What special features and functions can resolve your audience’s pain points?
– What special features and functions can make user website browsing seamless?
– What is your audience’s age group?
– What is the gender of the majority of your audience?
– Where are most of your audiences located?
– Are your audiences married? Single? What is their marital status?
– Do they have kids?
– What is their income level?
– What is their education level?
– What is their occupation? 
– Identify your audience’s personality types.
– What are their attitudes?
– What are their values?
– Jot down most of their hobbies and interests.
– What is the kind of lifestyle they’re into?
– What are their behaviors?

Competitive Analysis

competitive analysis
Image Credit: Rebrand Cities from Pexels

– What makes them stand apart from others?
– What elements of their online activity would you like to model after in your redesign?
– Who are your top seven competitors?
– What do you currently like about your competitors’ websites?
– Do you hate your competitors’ websites? What is it?
– What are some sites that you like the style of, features, and functionality of?


Image Credit: Marcus Herzberg from Pexels

– Do you have brand guidelines?
– If not, do you need help putting this together?
– What are the brand guidelines?
– So, are there any color preferences for the new website?
– Do you have the hex codes for your current brand colors?
– Have you created buyer personas?
– If you did; how many do you have and will we need to set up conversion funnels for each persona?
– Do you have a site architecture completed?
– Do certain products and/or services speak to a different type of clients?
– What differentiates your product or service from your competition?
– Is there any legacy on your current website?
– Do you currently have duplicate content on your site?
– What types of content will you publish on the site?
– How do plan to market the website once it is launched?
– What are some images that relate to your business?
– Will you be updating and reusing content and/or images from your current website?
– So, do you need help creating new visual components for your website?
– What are some visual components that you’d like to add to your website?
– So, do you have a tagline?
– What is your elevator pitch?
– Do you have a mission statement?

Sales, Marketing, and Advertising

Image Credit: Francesco Paggiaro from Pexels

– Do you have a documented content strategy?
– What types of marketing are you currently involved in or practice on a regular basis?
– What kind of ads will you be running? (Google, Facebook, native, display, search)
– Do you have a current advertising budget?
When it comes to marketing (in general), what are your biggest challenges?
– When it comes to obtaining qualified leads, what are your biggest challenges?
– What are your biggest challenges, when it comes to closing leads?
– Are there any short-term or long-term goals that need to be considered in the website redesign?
– What social media elements would you like integrated?
– Do you need a subscription option or other offer?
– Will you be blogging on your website?
– Who will be blogging on your website?
– When do you see the most customers go to your website?

man drawing
Image Credit: Fabian Wiktor from Pexels

– Do you currently use marketing automation software?
– Do you use email marketing, landing page, or other tools on your site?
– Have you used a CRM to store sales and customer information?
– What is the target demographic of your website visitors? Are there specific sectors, industry segments, company sizes, geography that needs to be focused on more than others?
– Would you like to personalize content so that the content shown is targeted and relevant for different types of visitors?
– Do you create ebooks, white papers, and other resources are placed behind a form?
– Do you send email marketing communications?
What and how many types of emails do you send to subscribers, prospects, leads, and customers?
– Do you want automated emails to be triggered by actions customers take on your website?
– Do you want the ability to create, edit, and publish landing pages and site pages?
– Would you like to run predictive lead scoring every few months to automatically determine the properties and weight of each factor to create a lead score?
– So, have you performed A/B tests of your landing pages and calls-to-action to increase click-through rates?

Lead Generation and Contact Page

contact page
Image Credit: Katrin Bolovtsova from Pexels

– How do you currently track leads on your website?
– How do you want to collect customer information?
– Are you comfortable with having your phone number on your website?
– What is the email address you want on your website?
– Can you speak to your customer experience?
– So, how does a user become a customer of yours on your current website?
– Do you currently include relevant call-to-actions on content posts?
– Do you collect information from visitors and store this in a CRM or use it to inform marketing efforts?
– What fields do you currently or want to include in forms?
– Do you use call tracking to track online campaigns?


Image Credit: Kindel Media from Pexels

– Do you need assistance with search engine optimization?
– When was the last time you reviewed your website for optimization?
– Do you have someone who can review content for SEO best practices, internally?
– Do you have someone who can create unique meta titles and descriptions per page or blog posts internally?
– So, what search terms are your competitors targeting?
– Do you have a Google Analytics account?
– Do you have a Google Webmaster Tools or Bing Webmaster Tools account?
– Based on what you know right now, what keywords or phrases would “you” use to search for your products and/or service offering?
– Of the words you just listed, which ones would you like to target with the new website?
– Do you have existing content that can support these keywords or phrases?
– Does your existing website and content rank for these phrases?
– What are your top-performing keywords?
– What are your most trafficked pages on your website?
– Which site pages rank high in SERPs?
– What percentage of visits are from organic sources?
– What percentage of traffic are referrals from other sites?
– Which referral channel gives your website the most traffic?
– What percentage of traffic is from social media sites?
– What percentage of traffic is from email marketing?
– How many visits does your site get each month?
– What percentage of traffic is from direct or people who type your URL into the search bar?
– What percentage of traffic is from mobile devices?
– How many landing pages do you have?
– What percentage of traffic is from tablet devices?

Image Credit: PhotoMIX Company on Pexels

– What sources — social, referral, organic, etc. — generate traffic from mobile and tablet users?
– So, how long do people typically spend on your website?
– What are your top-performing landing pages?
– What are your top-performing blog posts?
– How many page views does your site get each month?
– The number of leads you generate each month?
– What is the bounce rate for your site?
– Is the average amount of sales generated by your site each month?
– What is the page load time of your site?
– How many inbound links are pointing to your current site?
– Is your current site optimized for mobile users?


Image Credit: Lukas from Pexels

– Do you like data?
– What types of reports and data would you like to receive from our team?
– Do you prefer phone call reporting?
– Do you like PDF’s?
– Would you like the reports to be converted into videos?


Image Credit: Pixabay on Pexels

– Will you require a responsive design (adapts automatically to mobile devices)?
– How often will you be updating the content on your site?
– What functional requirements are needed within the new website?
– Is there any specific feature that is needed for your website?
– Do you want users to be able to comment on blog posts and other types of content?
– Do you need to integrate chat features?
– Will you need an internal search engine for your site?
– Do you plan to post audio/video files to the site?
– Do you have a video hosting service or will you be uploading videos to Vimeo or YouTube to embed videos on your site?
– Will you need people to log in on the site either with a username and password or by using social logins?
– Will users need the ability to post product reviews?
– So, do you want people to be able to share content from your website?
– Will visitors have to enter credit card information and other personal details on any section of the website?
– So, do you plan to sell anything through your website?


Image Credit: Pixabay on Pexels

– Who is your current website host?
– If switching hosting companies, do you know where your DNS is controlled?
– Do you have any and all logins?
– Hosting
– Domain name
– Website
– Where is your site currently hosted?
– So, do you know the current level of hosting you have?
– Do you have or need an SSL certificate?
– Will your site need to announce that they use cookies?
– So, do you have specific accessibility requirements? (larger text, language conversion, blind-accessible, etc.)
– Do you have an existing content management system you prefer or would you like our suggestions on the proper CMS?


Image Credit: Monoar Rahman from Pexels

– Do you think your current website can communicate with your audience clearly?
– Does your current website have all the necessary features that help your target audience?
– Is the navigation on your current website easy?
– Do the users know what to click next?
– Does it have enough white space for structure and digestible information?
– Are the color schemes on your current website relevant to your branding?
– Is the copy effective or do you think you can do better?
– Is your onboarding process easy?
– Does your current website have too many distractions?
– Is your CTA evident?
– What do you wish to change on your new website?
– What features and functions would you like to add?
– What other menu options would you like to add?
– What suggestions do you have to make your website stand out?
– What are elements on your current website that needs to be removed?
– What elements should be on the new website design? 

Project and Budget

Image Credit: Pixabay on Pexels

– What is your budget for this project?
– What is your yearly budget for website improvements?
– Who is responsible for reviewing and providing feedback on the site?
– What is your desired kick-off date?
– Who will give final approval for the site prior to launch?
– Will you require training on how to properly maintain the site?
– Who will be managing the site once it’s completed?

At Penji, we care deeply about creating an incredible experience for our customers. So, what better way to get to know our clients than to ask them fun questions? The world of business can be so serious and with the way our society is becoming. So, we decided to throw a wrench into your average questions. DISCLAIMER: These questions don’t work for every company. So, it all depends on your company culture and how your customers view you.

Get To Know Your Clients Better

Image Credit: Kampus Production on Pexels

– At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?
– So, if you could have one superpower, what would it be?
– If you could be one character in any movie, TV show, cartoon, who would you be?
– What movie title describes your life?
– So, if you could choose one Pokemon that relates to your personality, who would it be?
– What is your favorite TV show?
– What is your favorite video game?
– Do you have any nerdy addictions?
– So, have you ever refitted an item, and if so, what did you regift?
– What’s the strangest talent you have?
– So, do you have any nicknames?
– Which way does your toilet paper hang on the wall – over or under?
– What is that one song on you’re afraid to admit that you like?
– What are three things still left on your bucket list?
– If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Why Brands Choose Penji for their Website Designs

Aside from affordability, brands choose Penji for their website designs due to its vetted website designers. Clients can rest assured that they get quality and professional website designs that reach their goals and increase objectives. 

Check out some of Penji’s works for their clients’ websites:

penji portfolio
penji portfolio
penji portfolio
penji portfolio
penji portfolio

Requesting Website Design from Penji

Had a hard time trying to answer the questions above? Well, you’ll be happy to know that requesting website design from us is a lot easier than, say, choosing a Pokemon to relate to your personality!

We’ve created a perfect system for offering high-quality graphic design services in just three easy steps:

1. Create

penji platform

In the Penji dashboard, click “Create new project.” Then, from the categories, choose “Website design.” Fill in the form by typing in a title and the description. You can also select a color palette and royalty-free images you want to be incorporated.

PRO TIP: The designer should have a full overview of the project to be able to create the best design for your industry and unique needs. If you have a concept paper for your business, you can attach that to the brief. 

2. Revise

penji platform

Within 24 to 48 hours, your designer will send you a draft of the design. Review the graphic by clicking on the file on the thread. If you need anything revised, just click on the part you want to be changed and type in your comments. The designer will revise and send you a new draft.

3. Download

penji platform

Once you’re happy with the design, click the “Download” button and it will automatically be saved to your computer.

About the author

Johnathan Grzybowski, is the Chief Marketing Officer and co-founder of Penji. His content covers marketing, scaling your business, sales, and lead generation.

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