Video Clickbait Titles: 13 Strategies for More Clicks

Video Clickbait Titles: 13 Strategies for More Clicks


Last updated March 26, 2023

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Are you starting a YouTube channel for your brand? Video marketing is a nice place to gain traction. Various studies show a growing preference for video content, especially when the titles are enticing and straight-to-the-point. The key to a good “clickbait title” is to not dupe the viewer into thinking the video shares something it doesn’t. A good video inspires the viewer to click immediately, and when they’re done watching, they’re glad they did.

Why Use Clickbait Titles For Content?

Within our current generation, you might be familiar with complaints regarding clickbait YouTube titles. It is a reasonable grievance; people dislike videos that make them excited at first glance, only to let them down shortly after clicking. It has gotten so bad over the years, that people are known to detect blatant clickbait YouTube titles from a mile away. 

Here is the thing, though; YouTube clickbait titles, while having a devious reputation, can have some merit in highlighting the truths within a video. To show up on a user’s feed, your video must compete against millions of other creators and advertisers. It is imperative to convince users to click on your content. 

When used properly, clickbait titles don’t have to be a bad thing. It’s possible to use this strategy to bolster your brand on platforms like YouTube. Here are some crucial tips.

1. “Top Ten” Titles

There is a reason why you see so many “Top Ten Best…” or “5 Reasons Why…” videos. It’s because they work pretty well. Regardless of whether we like to admit it, the human mind is drawn to structure, substance, and attention. Videos that contain numbers are great at supplying this. 

Numbers within a video signal substance, since they provide a simplistic overview of your content. The structure is found within the easy-to-read title. Amongst the common letter-filled titles, numbered titles give your video much-needed attention.

Not only does it appeal to the viewer, but this brand of video can also help you with content planning. Writing out your script in the form of a “Top Ten” list will allow you to easily organize your script.

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2. Capitalizing Letters

a YouTube video title

clickbait titles

The most professional way to draw the audience’s attention is by capitalizing the first letter of each word. This gives your video the appearance of a headline while being clear and easy on the eyes. 

It is important to note that while capitalized letters do draw attention, it is best not to overdo it. You want to avoid capitalizing every letter within your title, as it will make your video seem desperate and unprofessional.

3. Capitalizing One Word

A YouTube video title

clickbait titles

Capitalizing one word, on the other hand, can be another decent strategy to garner more traction. You’ll want to target either a word that indicates the subject matter, or a power word. 

4. Use Power Words

A YouTube video title

clickbait titles

 You may be asking yourself; what is a power word? Power words are adjectives that indicate the importance of your subject. Here are some examples;

  • Awesome
  • Fantastic
  • Amazing
  • Best
  • Fabulous
  • Terrible
  • Awful 
  • Dreadful

So to give a video titled “My Oatmeal Cookie Recipe,” an extra boost, you could change it to “My Amazing Oatmeal Cookie Recipe,” or “The Best Oatmeal Cookie Recipe”

5. Use Keywords

blocks with letters on them

clickbait titles
Image Credit: Sven Brandsma from Unsplash

Keywords are known to be the most important factor for SEO. The reason why is simple: keywords represent the phrases that people search on a regular basis. Adding keywords to your title not only makes the algorithm happy, but also incentivizes more clicks.

6. Use a Call to Action

Calls to Action are perfect for getting that mini adrenaline rush within potential viewers. It gives them a sense of urgency to act now instead of later (or more likely, never).

Here are some popular clickbait title examples:

  • “Watch Now”
  • “You Need to See This”
  • “Must-Have Tips”
  • “Start Today”
  • “Learn More”
  • “Check This Out”

7. Put A Few Words Into Brackets

A youtube video title

clickbait titles

Putting words in parentheses or brackets is a way of giving your viewers a “sneak peek” at what’s to come. In a study done by Hubspot, it was confirmed that word brackets within headlines increase click rate by 40%. This is because they add a sense of clarification. 

8. Put the Word “Video” In Your Title

Two Youtube video titles

clickbait titles

This tip works well for users who search for videos through Google. As a universal search engine, Google’s primary goal is to recommend exactly what a user is looking for. Putting the word “Video” in your title will do wonders whenever users search a query on google.

For example, instead of searching “how to bake cookies,” someone may type in “cookie baking video.” In this case, your content is more likely to show up.

9. Use Question Marks or Exclamation Points

A question mark made of circular objects

clickbait titles
Image Credit: Ann H from Pexels

As unprofessional as it may seem, viewers gravitate towards titles with exciting punctuation marks. Asking a question, or making an exciting statement is a surefire way to add a sense of relatability and urgency.

10. Address the Viewer

A man pointing

clickbait titles
Image Credit: Rodolfo Zanardo from Pexels

Using the words “You” and “Your” works to make your title resonate with audiences. Addressing the viewer will create an instant connection, making users feel as if they are beginning a conversation.

So instead of “Ways to Tie a Shoelace,” try “Ways You Can Tie Your Shoelace.”

11. Use the “Piggybacking” Strategy

A man giving a woman a piggyback ride

clickbait titles
Image Credit: Josh Willink from Pexels

In the realm of video clickbait titles, piggybacking refers to a strategy in which creators reference something bigger than themselves to gain more recognition.

When using this strategy, you’ll want to incorporate a well-known figure or brand into your title. At the same time, you should be relating it back to your own brand and subject matter.

Here are some good examples of piggybacking;

  • “What Pop Singer Rihanna Reveals About Branding”
  • “What to Learn from Wendy’s Marketing Strategy”
  • “Pepsi Cola’s Social Media Marketing”

12. Be Controversial

A YouTube video title

clickbait titles

Controversy may seem like a counterproductive way to advertise a video. Negative attention, however, can often draw in more traction than optimistic content. Humans have always loved drama, and controversy gives people something to talk about. A contentious title, such as “How Not to Bake A Cookie” or “Worlds Most Terrible Marketing Campaigns,” will stand out amongst a sea of positivity.

13. Make Sure Your Video Lives Up To The Title

Two people watching a video on a phone.

clickbait titles
Image Credit; Alex Suprun from Unsplash

The last but most important tip to keep in mind is that you want your videos to live up to what the title says. If you can’t, change the title or change the video content. While your content doesn’t have to be mindblowingly exciting, it must accomplish what it sets out to do.

If your clickbait title says “10 Reasons Why,” for instance, then you better give the audience 10 reasons why. Remember: the main reason why YouTube clickbait gets a bad reputation is that it often doesn’t provide what the title implies.

If you want to attract an audience that respects you, don’t generate misleading clickbait. Instead, generate informative, helpful, and thrilling YouTube clickbait. Your consumers will thank you, and reward you, for it.

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