Kappa Beautillion teaches students how to prepare for college and life in different workshops.
What is Kappa Beautillion?
Kappa Beautillion, a local non-profit in New Jersey, is a four-month-long program for high school juniors and seniors. The program teaches students how to prepare for college and life in different workshops. These classes cover topics such as men’s health, financial aid, and public speaking. In addition to the classes, the students also attend events and perform community service projects. The students undergo mentoring from professionals in the field, with the ability to talk to mentors within their interests. In the last ten years, 99 young men from the tri-state area have participated in the program, with a number of them graduating from college. They’ve had a number of outside sponsors support the non-profit including State Farm Insurance and Atlantic Coast Communications.
Lloyd Freeman is the chairman of Kappa Beautillion. In his everyday life, Lloyd is a lawyer at Archer Law. When he came up with the idea of Kappa Beautillion, he was able to create a system that helped students. He was able to see a positive change, which fulfilled his mission and vision. Lloyd is a great lawyer, but he doesn’t know anything about graphic design. He wanted to create great material to use during events such as the gala and promoting the program to prospective students, but he didn’t know where to start. He considered looking externally for a freelancer, but he also wanted a designer he could work directly with.

When Lloyd learned about Penji, he knew he wanted to give it a try. He decided to become a customer and immediately started submitting projects for the gala he had coming up. Every student needed a professional biography. Lloyd provided the content, and our designers were able to create a clean design. By working with our designers directly, Lloyd could see the process of his designs and provide revisions as needed. Penji is an on-demand design service, and he knew he could go to our team of designers for anything he needed.
After his initial round of projects was completed, Lloyd was able to use Penji’s designs for Kappa Beautillion. By paying one flat rate every month, he was able to save money and give back more to his students. His graduates continue to make strides in their own lives thanks to the program. Thanks to the many successes of his students, Lloyd was even able to request an infographic on all their achievements, such as a high GPA, scholarship awards, extracurriculars and even ivy league acceptances. Did you know you can request different design styles from Penji? Check out our full design portfolio, or if you want to talk to us directly, you can schedule a demo.