Whether building or starting a business, you must create a brand that provides value and improves your customers’ lives. Marketing design helps you provide an excellent experience to prospective and existing customers. But what is marketing design? 

Marketing design is a graphic design field focused on producing visual content for marketing and advertising purposes. It applies graphic design principles to marketing materials such as logos, websites, products, etc. The purpose of marketing design is to attract new customers and boost brand identity by conveying the brand’s message in a visually appealing manner. Explore the most popular types of marketing design, its benefits, and some examples and tips to inspire you. 

Why is Design Important in Marketing

young man thinking about designs

Good design and marketing can communicate your brand well and attract more customers. Here are some of the benefits of graphic design in marketing: 

Stronger Brand Identity 

The design allows you to tell your story using visual elements. A cohesive design can help you establish what your brand represents and show your professionalism. For example, a unique design can increase name recognition, increasing customers and sales. 

Better Customer Engagement 

Think about those cool ads that make you smile or feel inspired. That’s the power of visual storytelling. The more you connect with a brand, the more likely you will become a brand advocate. That loyalty can seriously boost sales because happy customers become repeat customers, and brand advocates become walking billboards.

Improved Customer Loyalty

Companies prioritizing branding design understand the power of a well-crafted image in shaping customer perception. As people become familiar with the business and brand, they can have a better impression of the company. This generates trust and increases customer loyalty. 

Improved Sales 

Almost 38% of people stop visiting a website if they find it dull. High-impact visuals are the first impression that hooks new customers. Moreover, new interest can result in increased sales and potential return customers.

These are just a few of the benefits of prioritizing design. If you want to set yourself apart from competitors, consider your design and how it looks to outside parties.

Popular Types of Marketing Design

Now that we have covered the benefits of design, let’s look at the most popular types of marketing design:

1. Branding and Logo

woman pointing branding design examples

One key example of design and marketing working together is branding images and logos. Think about Nike’s iconic swoosh or Apple’s bitten apple. A well-crafted logo is more than just a brand image. It is the first impression a customer gets, and it sets the tone for all future interactions. In addition, branding applies the visual language a company uses across all its touchpoints, from website design to packaging.

2. Email design

Email design refers to a company’s visual design of emails to customers. Once a customer receives and opens an email, the designer wants to ensure that the contents engage them. A good design can capture the reader’s attention and encourage them to read more of the content of your email. Adding motion design, such as using GIFs, can be a great way to catch the reader’s attention.

3. Social media design

woman and social media designs examples

Social media design incorporates the graphic design of all company content on social media platforms. It can include feed images, stories, video content, thumbnails, covers, and static and dynamic ads. As trends on social media can change relatively quickly, keeping up to date with visual content for social media channels can be challenging, but creating attractive graphics can help draw customers to your content.

4. Landing page and website design

Designs for a landing page and website involve the graphic design of all of the web pages that a customer might visit on a website. For example, it might include designing landing pages, home pages, product pages, guide pages, shopping cart pages, check-out pages, review pages, and blog pages. Effective landing page design helps to quickly acquaint visitors with the purpose and identity of the page and brand.

5. Print advertisement design

pretty woman showing print ad design samples

Print advertisement design includes the visual design of tangible items or objects. This media might be newspapers, magazines, flyers, catalogs, stickers, promotional items, product packaging, notebooks, or decals. Designers optimize them for print by noting print sizes and a design’s color models, materials, and textures.

6. Packaging Design

Packaging design might seem simple but don’t underestimate its power. It’s the first impression your product makes in person. Fantastic design and quality materials shout “premium” before the customer opens it. Let’s take Tiffany’s blue boxes or Apple’s sleek packaging as examples. Aside from protection, a good packaging design becomes a part of the brand experience and is considered a marketing campaign.

Tips for improving your marketing design

It would help if you were consistent when you design your marketing materials. Check out these few extra tips for improving your marketing design:

  • Understand your target audience and industry. Finding your target audience will help you determine suitable designs for your products or services. You can also use their demographic data to create content they wish to engage with.
  • Create guidelines for your team. Brand guidelines are your style guide, ensuring consistent, professional design across everything you do. You can consider branded colors, logo specifications, font types, and taglines. 
  • Find a design agency you can trust. Feeling overwhelmed by design updates? A web design agency like Penji can handle everything from the website to packaging, creating impressive visuals that elevate your brand without adding to your workload.

Need help with marketing design? Work with Penji! 

You need the right team of designers to give your marketing the best chance of attracting customers. With Penji, you get a partner who can bring your vision to life. We have created over 1 million designs across 120+ categories, including logos, ad creatives, websites and apps, and many more. 

Watch the demo video now and see how we can help you attract more customers!