Setting Facebook Ad Goals for the Most Effective Campaign

Setting Facebook Ad Goals for the Most Effective Campaign


Last updated December 6, 2020

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Facebook ad objectives are the foundation of a compelling Facebook campaign. Knowing what your goals are will help you construct your ads properly and get the desired results. Not doing this step is one of the biggest mistakes any business owner would commit. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at the three main categories that your objectives may fall into. 

Here at Penji, we help create the best visuals for your Facebook campaign. We make sure that our clients have already finalized their objectives so we can brainstorm accordingly. With this, it’s easier to work on designs, and completing the project will be faster. You can check out some of our work here

Why Think About Ad Goals? 

You might be asking, isn’t generating more sales a high enough goal for your Facebook campaign? It’s a given that every business owner wants more sales, however, making that a goal isn’t sufficient. The global eCommerce market size is growing, and a 276.9% increase in worldwide sales is projected. This can only mean one thing—competition will be as stiff as ever. 

So the question of increasing sales as a goal should be replaced with how you want to sell your products. And Facebook has come up with a multitude of options to help you create a marketing campaign that targets the specific goal you have in mind. These are the main objectives and how it can help generate a more positive outcome for your brand. 


This is the objective when you want recognition for your brand, interest in your products or services, and exposure to as many people as possible. Awareness also means putting your brand in front of your target market, not necessarily about engaging or getting them to buy. In this category, you have two options: Brand Awareness and Reach, which we will discuss further in the article. 


When you’ve already established a name for your brand, this is the time you want consumers to consider doing business with you. This is where you’ll be focusing on driving traffic to your website and encouraging them to ask for more details. Facebook’s Traffic objective can help you create a campaign to boost traffic to your website to give more information. 


Now that you’ve made people aware of your brand and have gotten their attention, your objective should now be towards making conversions. You’ll be creating ads that are geared towards converting prospects into paying customers. These are the ads that encourage them to take a particular action that would lead them down the sales funnel. You’ll have to showcase your products and promote your physical store to generate sales. 

Setting Facebook Campaign Goals 

As mentioned earlier, the way you sell your brand is more important than the goal of increasing revenues and conversions. Choosing an objective may be difficult at first, but Facebook has provided a guideline to help you find the most suitable targets for your business. They call these the SMART guidelines, which you’ve also probably heard from other business lectures. These are: 


Defining your specific goals allows you to concentrate on what matters most in your business. Aiming to get more Likes and Shares won’t guarantee more sales. Setting a more clear-cut and distinct goal is the way to go. You can do this by setting up campaigns that boost conversions or multiply revenues in a given timeframe. Always remember, the more your goals become less vague, the more you’ll be able to strengthen it. Plus, you can create a strategy that is more streamlined and targeted. 


Ensure that the goals you set up are measurable, meaning, numbers can quantify them. Whether you want to gain 100 or 1,000 Likes per post, you may want to look into these types of metrics. These insights can help you adjust or tweak your campaign to get the most beneficial results. It can also help you create a well-derived conclusion because you are speaking based on facts. 


Setting attainable goals means being realistic with what you expect to gain from your campaigns. There’s no harm in aiming high, but make sure that your goals are attainable. This is to avoid disappointments as well as wasting your time and efforts. You must also consider a number of factors when you set a goal. 

For example, are you starting from scratch, or do you have a huge following already? Is your brand already well-known, or are you a new player? Think about it. Your goals compared to bigger brands like Nike or Coca-Cola will be different because you are not on a level playing field.  


You should also consider the relevance of the goals you’ll set up with your company’s mission and vision. If you want to avoid wasting your time and effort, you should always check if the goals you have will actually help you grow your business.


Setting a deadline will be useful for your Facebook campaigns as it sets boundaries. Analyzing and comparing results will be smoother when you set a timeline. Make sure that these are also realistic, for example, a 10% boost in engagement by the end of a three-month campaign period. This is more attainable than aiming for a 100% boost in just a month of campaigning. 

These aren’t all of Facebook’s campaign goal guidelines. The platform has lined up more of these to help you set up and update your ads for optimum results. These are: 


Choosing one or more variables can show you different results that you can compare to see which strategies work and what doesn’t. They can also show you what to improve on or what needs adjustments. These variables can be in the creatives, placements, or target audience. 


You can adjust how much you want to spend on a campaign, whether through Facebook PPC or any ad format. You have full control over the overall spending to reach as many people as you possibly can. This is also the same reason why small players use Facebook for their campaigns. The platform made it affordable for everyone. And if you can’t pay for expensive ads, then having a solid strategy would work best for your brand. 

Number of Placements 

facebook ad campaign guide
Image Credit: Facebook

Effective Facebook Ads are those that use good placement options. The platform offers excellent spots where your advertisements can be shown. This gives you flexibility in optimizing them to be seen by the exact audience you’re targeting. You can place your ads in the following: 

  • Newsfeed
  • Instagram
  • The Audience Network
  • Messenger 

Think of it as your traditional billboards and posters placed in highly populated and strategic locations. 

Audience Size 

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Image Credit: Facebook

Facebook gives you the option of altering your audience size. You can do this to compare results and find the most appropriate size to focus on. It tells you if your target audience is broad that they’re unreachable or specific enough to be seen by those who have shown interest in your brand. 

Audience Composition 

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Image Credit: Facebook

If you want to reach more people through your Facebook campaigns, the platform allows you to change your audience composition. You can change it based on age, gender, language, and many other demographics-based targeting options. 


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Image Credit: Facebook

This option allows you to try a variety of images, videos, texts, and other content to understand what resonates well with your audience. Good graphic design elevates your brand and makes for effective Facebook Ads. Penji has a team of professional graphic designers that can help you create ads that grab the attention of your target audience. 

Facebook Campaign Objectives 

Facebook algorithm is continually evolving, and for 2020, it has made changes that are smart and intuitive. It weighs factors such as ranking signals to determine what it shows its users. This makes it more confusing for those just starting with their Facebook ad journey. 

13 Facebook Campaign Objectives

To maximize your ad campaigns, it’s crucial to select the most suitable Facebook ad objective. This is because the platform will optimize your campaign based on the objective that you chose. Here are Facebook’s 13 campaign objectives to guide you in your selection: 

1. Store Traffic 

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Image Credit: Facebook

This objective is ideal for those with brick-and-mortar stores to reach potential customers within the location. This will encourage them to visit your stores and increase sales. It allows you to create customized ads for each site and deliver them to consumers who are within that area. 

2. Reach 

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Image Credit: Facebook

If you want more people to see your ads within your set budget, this should be your objective. Most of Facebook’s campaign objectives will show your ads to the same people several times. That’s where the reach objective is different. Facebook allows you to set the frequency by defining the number of impressions per number of days of your campaign. 

3. Brand Awareness 

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Image Credit: Facebook

Facebook has calculated that the longer people see your ad, the more they’ll remember your brand. The brand awareness objective will let Facebook place your ads directly to people it estimates to have a higher brand recall. This is especially beneficial to those that are just starting their businesses. 

4. Web Traffic  

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Image Credit: Facebook

For eCommerce stores, the web traffic objective will help you drive visitors to your website. For those that want to increase sales via their websites or online stores, this is the objective for you. If your business has a long sales funnel, this will help educate your prospects about your brand and eventually lead them to conversions. 

5. Higher Engagement 

This objective will get you more people to see your posts and engage with them, either through Likes, Shares, comments, and other responses. This may seem unnecessary, but seeing it as an excellent way to build relationships with your customers, it’s worth your effort. There are many advantages to having high engagement on your social media posts. 

6. Lead Generation 

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Image Credit: Facebook

The lead generation objective is suitable for gathering data—email addresses, phone numbers, or addresses from your followers. You can build your email database quickly and send them your newsletters or follow up on prospects. When they click on your ad, your customers will be asked to fill up a form within the platform. 

7. Video Views 

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Image Credit: Facebook

Videos are highly effective forms of content, and Facebook provides you with opportunities to see a good number of click-through-rates. This objective can help you drive traffic, give out information, and entice customers to take action. It can also help you build brand awareness and create a remarketing plan to those who have viewed your videos. 

If you are to take this path, make sure that you produce quality videos. Tell a relevant story or something that is highly entertaining. If you focus on just promoting your product, chances are they would just skip it right away.  

8. Messages 

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Image Credit: Facebook

Generally, consumers hate being marketed to; the message objective provides a workaround for this. It’s a superb way to reach out to your prospects, answer their questions, and persuade them to do business with you. The platform allows you to create a welcome message and other customization features to help you build trust with your audience. You can give them information without them having to ask you publicly through the comments section. 

9. Catalog Sales   

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Image Credit: Facebook

This Facebook campaign objective lets you showcase your products based on your target demographics. Its primary purpose is to put your ads in front of people who have shown interest in your brand. You can then dynamically retarget your ads and use it for other goals such as upselling or cross-selling. Also, if you have an existing catalog on another platform, you can connect it to your Facebook page easily. 

10. Conversions 

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Image Credit: Facebook

This is probably every entrepreneur’s objective: to convert prospects into customers. The conversion objective offers a variety of options—Leads, View Content, Purchases, Adds to Cart, and others. All these options are created to help you increase sales and generate leads. You’ll have to install Facebook Pixel on your website to optimize custom conversions. 

11. Event Attendance 

Hosting events is a great way to get new leads, build brand awareness, and create strong connections with your customers. This is what Facebook’s Event Attendance or Event Response objective is for. With this objective, you can create an event on the platform and promote it to generate interest and increase attendance. 

12. Page Likes 

As the name suggests, this is the objective that aims to increase your Facebook page likes. Spreading the word around about your brand can get a boost from an increase in your page’s likes. A huge number of likes means a high number of people seeing your ads.

13. App Installations 

facebook ad campaign guide
Image Credit: Facebook

This campaign objective drives people to download your app. Use this if you want to get as many app installations as you can within the set timeframe. Other campaign objectives will let you optimize for app conversions and traffic, but this specific objective is the only one that’s optimized for installations.  

Meanwhile, below is an infographic on how to set Facebook Ad Goals. It’s your quick reference if you want to build a strong campaign for your brand.    

Facebook campaign

Use Penji for Facebook Ad Campaign

Now that you know how to strategize your campaigns on Facebook, you should support it with visually appealing and functional graphics. While you can do it on your own, we recommend hiring graphic design experts like the Penji team. 

Let’s walk you though on how to use our platform. 

Request Designs for Facebook Ad Campaign

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After signing up, log in to your account. There is a New Project button on the right side of your dashboard. Click that to get to the next page. 

In the next page, you can provide all the details for your project. This might seem overwhelming at first, most especially if you are not used to sending a design brief. But don’t worry because we made it easy for everyone to provide their design details with our platform. You just need to answer the questions and follow the checklist. 

Draft will be Submitted Within 24 – 48 Hours

penji platform

At Penji, we require our designers to submit the initial design within 24-48 hours. 

Click the image to enlarge, and take a closer look. Are there specific parts that you want to revise? If yes, click on that area to make the comment box appear. From there, you can type your feedback directly.          

Download the Design and Start Your Facebook Ad Campaign

penji portfolio

Once you are happy with the design, you can now download it at your convenient time. You can kickstart your campaign and reach your business objectives. 

If you want to know more about our plans, check our website right now.       

Penji’s Sample Graphic Design for Social Media

Whether you are creating a campaign for advocacies, services, and other events, we’ve got you covered. Our team of professional graphic designers has worked on several social media projects in different industries. Thus, they are knowledgeable about which designs could work for your market.  

Here are some of our sample works:   

penji portfolio
penji portfolio
penji portfolio
penji portfolio
About the author

Celeste is a former traditional animator and now an SEO content writer specializing in graphic design and marketing topics. When she's not writing or ranking her articles, she's being bossed around by her cat and two dogs.

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