If you’ve been pondering about starting a blog, it’s crucial to learn the requirements of becoming a blogger. But before we dive into that, let’s define the meaning of a blog. A weblog or blog is an online journal where the writer or a group of writers share their opinions on a particular subject. Blogs can be for personal or business purposes. Additionally, blogs are regularly updated with contents displayed in reverse chronological order or the newest post appearing at the top of the page. 

What Does a Blogger Do? 

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Essentially, what you do as a blogger depends on your goal. If you wish to create a blog for fun or turn it into an online diary, then you only need to do one thing – Write

But, if you want to earn money from blogging and make it a part-time or full-time career, there are other tasks that you need to do. These tasks include: 

  • Affiliate marketing 
  • Email marketing 
  • Social media marketing 
  • Selling products 

Aside from that, a blogger also performs various administrative tasks like monitoring website analytics, updating the website, responding to comments, and others.

Why Is Blogging Popular These Days?

Anyone can dream of becoming a blogger. It’s because blogging is easy, and regardless of your skills or profession, you can gain from your blog in several ways. Blogging is becoming increasingly popular because people are starting to realize how much owning a blog can benefit them.  

People Of Any Skill Can Start a Blog 

One reason why blogging is so famous is that it is surprisingly easy. In the past, you needed to be at least skilled at web design to create an online presence. Blogging now is much easier than before. Several resources are now available that can guide you in building and maintaining a blog. So, there’s no need to worry about this process. 

If you’re afraid of your writing skills, don’t worry. You don’t have to be as skilled as writers for the New York Times to be the best. Use spell-checking tools and other resources or show off your favorite graphics or photographs rather than writing long blog posts. 

Building and promoting a blog has become a lot easier now. SEO tools, graphic design services, and social media marketing apps will help you in this area. 

Blogging Allows You to Showcase Your Skills 

In this day and age, showing off your skills is essential. Many people are realizing this and have begun promoting themselves through blogs. By starting your blog, you are allowing yourself to boost your skills. If you are a skilled writer, you can write beautiful blog posts that intrigue others. On the other hand, photographers and graphic designers can use their blogs to show the world their talents. 

Blog Help You Establish Your Name or Business 

It is significant to get your name out there, whether you own a business or are a freelancer. After all, people can’t avail of your services or buy your product if they don’t know you exist. A blog is a great venue to promote yourself or your business to others. In addition, it is easier to promote in one blog than to promote your products and services on various websites, resumes, and explain what to do every time. 

Expressing Your Personality Is Easier With A Blog

One of the challenges in dealing with customers or potential clients on the Internet is that you seldom have to face time with these individuals. This can make it more difficult for them to see you as a natural person with a unique personality. While social networking channels can help, these sites only provide limited opportunities. A blog that you control gives you unlimited chances to express your personality. 

Your identity is crucial because it can help you snag a new gig that you might not have previously considered. Even large businesses use blogs to appear more personal and caring for their clients. 

9 Ways To Becoming The Best Blogger In Your Niche 

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Now that you’ve already learned the essential factors of becoming a blogger let’s find your niche. Writing like a personal blogger is a stepping stone to niche blogging. Here are the nine ways to become the best blogger in your niche:

1. Extract more niches to blog. 

Your archives might be packed with blog posts about at least two or three niche topics. Look for patterns. What is it that your blog is about the most? What do you feel motivated to write about more frequently? These topics in your blog can be categorized to form the reference material for your new niche blog. 

2. Enhance your research skills. 

As a writer, we’re pretty sure you already have them! But, if you aim to become the best blogger in your niche, you should continuously improve your research skills. Bloggers are typically attracted to information, so it’s unlikely that the experienced will only write about generic and clueless opinions. All you have to do is hone these research skills and learn a bit of journalism. Specifically, you should know about reporting and interview techniques to write quality content. 

3. Engage with your readers. 

As a niche blogger, interaction with readers is vital. You won’t survive without readers and subscribers, and there’s no growth without feedback. The more you interact with your audience, the better you will understand its importance. Take note, your niche blog is your media, and the readership is your audience. 

4. Be attractive to readers.

Blogs are invented as diaries. They were and still are an online alternative to paper diaries or journals. A traditional diary is strictly for your eyes only, while an online diary is open to the public. You have your readers. As mentioned in No. 3, interacting with your readership is very important. Remember, readers can be your best friends if you listen to them and get more charming with them. 

By being attractive to your readers, we mean:

  • You carefully listen to their needs
  • Your reply to your blog readers’ comments 
  • You communicate via email if a reader wants a more private kind of opinion
  • You mention your most supportive readers in your blog post

5. Maintain your ideas well. 

A day doesn’t pass without something interesting that makes a good topic for a post. Take advantage of this because ideas know no limits. The more ideas you collect, the better equipped you will be to improve as a blogger in your niche. 

6. Never stop having fun blogging.

You started a blog because you found it fun and exciting. But writing for a niche doesn’t have to be stressful. Sure, writing for a place demands more work. Strive to make your blog a go-to resource in your field but never stop having fun with blogging. Write to your heart’s desire and enjoy the craft as it’s one of the most relaxing activities on Earth. 

7. Never give up on any of your passions.

Blogging doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Manage your time well and make sure your writing schedule goes uninterrupted for certain hours per day. The rest is life and ideas for your next posts!

8. Personal anecdotes help the readers relate.

As you continue blogging, never hesitate to add some anecdotes from your life, experience, and the things you’ve learned. It’s a “me to you” kind of thing. Anecdotes help a post flow smoothly in the reader’s eyes. Besides, they add credibility because the reader can connect that there’s a natural person with real feelings and life experiences behind that post.

9. Put extra care into crafting your blog posts.

Last but not least, put up some special, extra care in crafting your blog posts. Devote extra efforts to the following areas:

  • Grammar
  • Niche jargon
  • Fact-checking or research 
  • Interview/conference attendance


There are many reasons for becoming a blogger for personal purposes and only a handful of strong ones for niche blogging. Think of what potential readers of your niche blog would like when they find your blog. Don’t you want her to know you better but still see honesty and respect in the way you address your blog readers? Building a reputation as a blog might take some time. But you can become the best blogger in your niche once you learn to manage your tasks better and work more on posts simultaneously.  

In the end, it all comes down to what is helpful to your audience.