A poster is an effective way to promote and advertise products. Its primary purpose is to inform the target audience about the product, highlight its features and benefits, and ultimately, encourage them to purchase. But what exactly makes an excellent poster design? How can you ensure your poster reaches the desired audience and gets the results you’re looking for? We are here to tell you. By the end of this guide, you will learn the essential factors for creating a fantastic product poster design. Let’s begin! 

1. Identify Your Brand Personality

team having a meeting

No matter what type of poster you create, it must feel true to your brand. When a brand is having an identity crisis, all of its designs, including posters, will be unclear and confusing for its audience. That’s why defining your brand voice is non-negotiable.

Need a poster for your product, service, or event?

Work with a professional designer at Penji

2. Consider Your Target Audience 

Before you start designing your poster, it’s essential to know who you’re designing for. Without knowing your target audience, you can’t design a authentic and sincere poster.

That said, you must first ask yourself the following:

  • Who is my potential audience?
  • How does my business/event speak to them?
  • What kind of design are they most likely to relate to?
  • What brand voice will speak best to them?
  • What design elements are going to grab their attention?

Once you have a clear definition of your potential customer and the intended audience, it will help you make the right design decisions.

3. Define Your Message 

Without a strong message, your poster will fall flat, no matter how fantastically designed it is. Defining your message early on helps you choose design elements that strengthen your messaging, making your overall design more effective.

4. Define Your Budget 

an illustration about budgeting

Budget is the next important thing you must consider. Your budget determines how many posters you can print and what equipment and supplies you should use. Knowing this information will save you time and energy when exploring your print options. It will help you choose the best printer and print options and keep you from wasting time exploring options that are out of your budget.

5. Follow Your Brand Guidelines 

While you might be tempted to try something new for your poster, your design should still align with your overall branding. Choose design elements (like colors and font) that align with your brand personality and what you’re advertising in your poster.

For example, if you’re a finance company advertising free financial evaluations, splashing neon colors all over your poster is suitable for a branding perspective.

6. Gather All the Text and Images You Need 

Next, it’s time to combine all your copy and images. Knowing the right elements will help you understand which poster layout makes sense. You will also figure out how to best arrange those elements to create the most impactful poster.

In terms of copy, you need a few things on every poster. First is a killer headline. You need something that will catch your audience’s attention and urge them to continue reading. Then, you must include relevant business information, such as the name of your business or event, contact information, and any information required to get them to fulfill your call to action.

7. Match Your Poster’s Style to Your Target Audience

an artist working on a poster design

Clean, simple, and easy-to-read product poster designs are always better than posters that look complicated. People also love originality. The more original your poster design, the more it will stand out to prospective customers. 

You must also choose fonts that align with your content’s overall tone and message.The fonts you choose and how you arrange or combine them can affect the style of your poster. So, you must create a visual hierarchy with your text to bring attention to your most important points.

8. Don’t Forget the CTA 

The last thing you must consider when designing your poster is the most important. This is about making sure all eyes are on your call to action.

Your CTA must be the main focal point of your poster. If your CTA is hiding in a teeny-tiny corner of your poster, no one will see it—and, as a result, no one will do what you want them to do. If you want people to take action, you need your CTA to be front, center, and impossible to miss.

9. Evaluate Your Product Poster Design 

It’s time to check your final poster design and see if you need to make any changes before it is ready to be printed. Ask yourself:

  • Is this design attention-grabbing?
  • Does my messaging come across loud and clear?
  • Does the overall look and feel of this poster feel on-brand?
  • Can you clearly understand my call to action?

Share your poster design with your other team members and get their input if you can. If you all agree that the answer to these questions is a loud, resounding “YES,” you’re ready to print. If suggestions or observations exist, return to the drawing board and fix any issues before publishing.

10. Print Your Poster in High-Quality Printing Equipment and Supplies

When you’re looking for printing services, meet them in person. Ask to see samples of posters they’ve printed in the past. Seeing something in person will give you a better idea of the quality of work than viewing samples online. It also allows you to ask questions about their process. 

Determine which print materials will best suit your poster and your budget. Things you’ll have to consider include:

  • The kind of paper should you use
  • The finish for your poster (matte, semi-gloss, glossy, etc.)
  • Poster size

Talk to your printer about what options would be best for your budget and the overall look you’re going for with your poster.

Final Thoughts

Businesses and organizations always need advertising or marketing materials to promote their products, services, or activities. If you’re one of them but don’t have the time and expertise to design posters by yourself, you can work with professional graphic designers. After all, a successful product poster design can be achieved with the help of a design team that understands these important rules. Penji has the best creative talents to handle it. They can create a poster that will amaze your audience. Watch the demo video to learn more about Penji’s unlimited graphic design services.