On the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies and organizations announced the cancellation of in-person trade shows, sports, and other events. But, the gaming industry was one of the many to survive. Consumers looked at gaming and other virtual activities to keep them entertained. It is not shocking that mobile game ads’ popularity increased in recent years. Check out the standard ad formats for effective mobile game advertising. 

Mobile Games Statistics 

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Mobile games have become increasingly popular in recent years, with millions worldwide playing them daily. Statista says that mobile game revenue is projected to reach US$286.50 billion in 2023. With an annual growth rate of 7.08%, the projected market value will reach US$376.70 billion by 2027. 

Let’s look at some demographics and who plays mobile games? 

  • 227 million people in the United States play video games
  • 46% of people who play video games are female 
  • 70% of the female audience are moms
  • 80% of the people who play video games are Gen Z
  • 79% of gamers are over 18
  • 61% of adult US players play games on their mobile phones
  • 80% of male gamers between 18-34 prefer shooter games
  • 95% of female gamers in Asia play mobile games

With these significant numbers, gaming is now one of the brightest opportunities for marketers. As you can see, players are increasingly diverse, and their interests extend far beyond gaming. There are several in-game ad platform options for advertisers. Platforms such as Facebook and Google AdMob offer the following formats for mobile game advertising. 

1. Native Banner Ads

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Native Banner ads are in-game advertising formats that blend into the game’s content and user interface. These ads copy the look and feel of the game’s environment, making them less intrusive and more engaging for players. Native banners can be placed in various locations within a game, such as the loading screen, menu, or during gameplay.

Unlike traditional, static banner ads, native banners are integrated into the game’s design and flow. This allows advertisers to reach players without disrupting their gameplay. It also provides a better user experience. Additionally, native banner ads tend to have higher click-through and conversion rates than traditional ads.

2. Interstitial Ads 

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Interstitial ads are a type of mobile game ad that appears that is usually full-screen. They show during natural breaks or transitions in the game and do not interrupt the user experience or pop up during play.

Interstitial ads are designed to capture players’ attention by interrupting the game flow, making them more noticeable than other ads. They can be used to promote various products and services, such as other mobile games, apps, or products relevant to the player’s interests.

Like banner ads, interstitial ads are easy to implement and don’t affect gameplay. These are ideal for games with natural pauses or transition loops because the ad can be shown to users while taking a break. While interstitial ads generate fewer impressions than banners, they usually create higher revenue.

3. Contextual Ads

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Contextual ads in mobile game advertising are shown to mobile users based on the context of their mobile activity. These are designed to be highly relevant and valuable to users, tailored to their interests and needs in real time.

These ads are an effective way for advertisers to reach highly engaged and interested audiences. In fact, this ad format offers a win-win scenario for both advertisers and users. They provide a seamless and personalized advertising experience that delivers value to all parties.

4. Rewarded Ads

example of mobile  game advertising

Many free-to-play games offer rewarded ads for players to level up or earn rewards for watching the entire video ad. This format has the highest view rate. Players also widely accept it because they’re receiving an award for interacting.

From the user’s perspective, rewarded ads are seen as a fair trade-off, as they can earn rewards that enhance their gameplay experience without paying for them. This makes them more likely to engage with the ad and respond positively to the advertised brand or product. Rewarded ads are an effective way for game developers and advertisers to generate revenue while providing a positive user experience. That’s why this ad format offers a win-win scenario for both parties.

5. Expandable Ads

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Expandable ads will likely interrupt the user experience because they expand when users click on them. But with proper implementation, they can be helpful and offer an immersive experience. The expandable ad format can capture the user’s attention and engage them with the ad content in an immersive way. These ads often contain rich media content like videos, animations, or games.

This ad format can promote products and services, including mobile games, consumer goods, etc. Advertisers often choose them to create a more engaging and interactive ad experience for users. Expandable ads can increase user engagement, brand recall, and conversion rates.

6. In-game Video

example of mobile game advertising

An in-game video ad consists of a video ad that is displayed within the game environment. In-game video ads can target specific audiences based on various criteria, such as demographics, interests, or behaviors. This ad can be typically 15-30 seconds long and natively placed within the game at a natural transition point.

In-game video ads are popular among mobile game advertisers. A highly engaged and motivated audience will benefit from a more immersive and interactive way. They offer an effective way to deliver brand messaging and drive engagement and conversion rates.


Businesses should integrate mobile game advertising into their marketing strategy. Likewise, brands should meticulously consider which type of ad is best for their audience, goals, and budget. Split testing of different offers, placements, and platforms is also advised, as there can be variability in performance and cost. 

If you need help with mobile game ad designs, subscribe to Penji and enjoy unlimited graphic design services. Visit this page to learn more about our simple pricing plans.