More sales take place on smartphones than ever before, and most people use at least a few apps regularly. So brands have more incentive than ever to invest in app development. Fortunately, app designers are more accessible than ever before too – even for small brands.

There are several platforms to find app designers (and Penji is one of them!) So without further ado, lets explore your options.

Factors to Consider in Mobile App Designing

There’s more than meets the eye when we talk about mobile app designing. It’s not something that you create on a DIY mobile app maker tool and then hope for the best. It needs the careful attention of a specialized mobile app designer. Here’s why: 

Your Target Audience 

To understand what to include in the mobile app design, you need to know what colors, fonts, and other design elements to use. After all, they’re the ones using your app. Understanding who your target audience is helps to determine these assets. This way, you’ll know how to design it using their preferences to make the app more impactful. Plus, this allows you to keep them in mind at all times.

Brand Infusion 

Your app design should make your brand easily recognizable. Consistency is a prime factor in brand identity, and that includes your mobile app design. A good app designer will know how to do this effectively, something that DIYing won’t afford you. 

You can be sure that when you subscribe to Penji, your brand will be integrated on your app design. Explore what our designers have created for our clients.


As mobile use sees an upward trend, so are the types of devices to use them in. App designers should have the foresight to see this and design accordingly. Fast loading and the ability to be viewed in a variety of platforms are essential considerations. 

Ready to Start Your App Design?

get a team of expert app designers for a fraction of the cost

The Platform 

Choosing the platforms to use your app can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. Whatever platform you choose, a competent app designer will know how to create one for it. 

Design Clarity  

How will you know how to give your users the best experience while using your app? A good app designer knows that clarity comes first before design. This means that they know what’s important to include and avoid cluttering the limited space. They understand that easy navigation beats bombastic designs. 


An app designer knows that there’s little room to include every little detail on an app. So, the app designer knows how to maximize the space without cluttering it and overwhelming the user.


Design experts have polarizing opinions over following trends. But when it comes to app design, whatever’s outdated will get you behind. A good app designer makes it a habit to stay updated by drawing inspiration from their peers or following expert advice.


Aside from following app design guidelines provided by both Apple and Google, sticking to a layout is a best practice by most app designers. After all, you want a usable app. Not an app that would confuse the user even further the moment they download it. However, even with this concept, they manage to create a design unique to your business or brand.

Problem Solving

App designers know how to integrate function and aesthetics. They can guide users to solve a problem by using components such as progress charts or breadcrumbs. Plus, they’re aware that users have an end goal too. It’s one of the things they consider while they design an excellent app.

There are many more that we can add to this list without adding to the confusion. The bottom line is that a mobile app is such a design-specific field that not anyone can do. Here are the channels available to you if you want to find that ideal app designer

Examples of App Designer Channels:


freelance marketplace clutch

To start your search for the best app designers, you may want to look at sites that assess app design companies. One such example is Clutch, which reviews and rates app designers and developers. What makes your search easy is their verified client reviews. 


freelance marketplace for app designers

A platform where companies and freelancers meet, Upwork hosts a multitude of app designers to choose from. They have a massive database of freelancers looking for contractual and full-time work. The good thing about it is that you can find one from anywhere in the world that offers lower rates. 


freelance marketplace dribbble

Claiming to have the world’s top designers and creatives, Dribble is a hub you can turn to when finding an app designer. You can see their work without having to ask for their portfolios, so choosing is easy. You can also use the platform to get inspiration from. 


app design site behance

Behance is similar to Dribbble. But it’s primary function leans towards as a design inspiration platform first than a site to hire creatives. Plus, it’s also an Adobe company. So, if you have an Adobe account, you can log-in and post unlimited job listings or pay $329 for one job listing per month.


freelance marketplace toptal logo

Having a network of freelancers from around the globe, Toptal is another good resource of app designers. They claim to hire the top 3% of all their freelance talents. From developers to designers, they have them all. 


freelance marketplace 99designs

Much like Dribbble, 99designs showcases its app designers’ work for everyone to see. There are two ways you can find an app designer on this channel. One is the usual way of checking out resumes and interviewing people. The other is holding a contest and paying the “prize” to the app designer who gets your approval. 

Working Not Working

app design site working not working

Like most of the sites mentioned above, Working Not Working is another freelancer platform. It’s the same as Toptal in terms of a vetting process. But what makes this marketplace different is you need a subscription to hire a creative on the site. Not only can you find a freelancer through searching for one, but you can also post a job advertisement, so creatives can come to you.


app design site guru

If you want to find both design companies and freelancers in one marketplace, Guru is your best bet. To start, you need to post a project, provide more information, choose your payment preference, and submit it. Over 800,000 employers are on the site, and the site claims they have a 99% customer satisfaction rate.


app designers on hired

Hired is the one-stop shop for tech recruitment. While it’s related to coding and development, designers are also available for hiring on the site. Companies can subscribe to different plans in creating a technical team.


hubstaff logo

Hubstaff is primarily a time-tracking software. But they branched out to listing top talents on Hubstaff Talent. You can find app designers, view their resume and their portfolio. If you want the app designer onboard your team, you can click the Invite to Job button, and see if they’re up to the task.

The App Design Process 

The ways an app is designed can vary as the number of companies and freelancers who do it. Each one has their own methods, but generally, the design process goes like this: 


Careful planning is required before you start the app design process. This is crucial as this can avoid many mistakes as you go along. Gathering what needs to be on the app and what it aims to do is a must before designing begins. 


Not all app designs are made the same. Extensive research is needed for you to know how to design the app. Knowing your target audience is vital, as this will point you to where your design should go. Plus, it’s through the research phase where you can review the apps created by your competitors. This will help you determine how the app works, what is expected of it, and what results you are aiming for.

Wireframes Creation 

Next is to create what app designers call Wireframes/Low Fidelity Prototypes. This will show you what goes where and how everything works. At this point, there is hardly any design, color, or fonts as the purpose of this stage is to see the app’s skeleton. 

Prototype Building 

Once everything is in place, a live prototype is created. Our designers will show you the app complete with the essentials and will ask for your feedback. Revisions will be made to improve the overall design further. 

Developer Turnover 

The design is now ready to be handed over to the developers who will then build the app. The developers may send feedback after they evaluate the design. 

Why Penji? 

illustration of app designer

The sites listed above are great resources to find the best app designer for your brand. However, they don’t come without glitches. With freelancers, your app design experience can either be expensive or stressful. Here are the reasons why Penji is the best choice for app designs and more: 

No More Vetting 

A freelance app designer can cost less, but there are always hassles associated with hiring freelancers. First is the vetting process. With thousands vying for your attention, looking at portfolios can be an exhausting endeavor. Notwithstanding the fact that what you see isn’t always what you get. Penji has taken the vetting process off your shoulders.   


Some freelancers come and go. Since contracts don’t bound most of them, it isn’t surprising to find someone who’ll abandon your design in favor of someone who pays higher. And that leaves you with nowhere to go to find them. 


App design companies can charge thousands for a single app design. With Penji, we’ve combined affordability and reliability in our unlimited graphic design services. We have a team of app designers ready to take on the job without leaving you out of pocket. Our flat, monthly subscription rate of as low as $399 gets you the best app designer. 

More Than Just App Designs 

Not only can you request app designs, but you can also get logos, social media graphics, print materials, and many more. Our Team and Agency plans, which cost $499 and $899, let you send requests for custom illustrations. This is what makes us unique, as our competitors have separate plans for illustrations. Check out our pricing here and how you can save when you pay quarterly or yearly. 

Sample App Designs by Penji

Here are some app designs created by our expert team of designers:

penji sample app design samurai
yoga app design
penji portfolio omie app
purple and gold app interface
penji portfolio

How to Request an App Design from Penji 

We understand the value of time for business owners. This is why we made design submission requests simple and straightforward. These are the steps to get the mobile app design you’ve always wanted: 

Sign Up 

penji platform sign up process

When you sign up for Penji, you’ll have access to our dashboard. This is where the app design process starts. The panel is also where you’ll communicate with our designers and download your designs. Click here to sign up. 


penji projects dashboard

Log in to your account and click on + New project, as seen in the image below.

Give your project a suitable title and choose the design category. Under the heading UX/UI, you’ll find App design. You can also type in app design on the space provided, and the category will automatically be chosen. Select the dimensions of your app design from the boxes below the page. Click on Next

penji design request form

A Description box will appear—type in the details of your project. The yellow box on the left will guide you as to what you need to make your descriptions useful. You can also send attachments, files, or links that the designer can use as references. Click Next

penji platform

Select the file type you want for your project from the File deliverables section. You can also create a folder that contains all your brand identity assets such as logo, fonts, or colors. These will go in your Associated brand folder. For your next projects, you only need to click this folder if you want them to be included. Click Create project

design customization options

The image below shows your project on the active projects list. Wait for 24 to 48 hours, depending on the complexity of your design. You’ll receive email notifications about the progress of your project. 

penji platform chat window


penji platform revisions

Penji’s unlimited graphic design service also provides you with unlimited revisions. Once you receive the first draft of your project, you can review it and send revision notes. All you need to do is direct the pointer to the area you want revising. Type in your comment and click Send

Our designer will work on your revisions within 12 to 24 hours. 


penji app design platform

After the revisions, you can now download your app design. It will be directly downloaded to your computer. Additionally, you get full ownership of your design and can use them however you want to. You can now move on to your next design request. 

Get started with your app design today!

Searching for the best app designer need not be a laborious process. All you need is Penji! Our 30-day money-back guarantee protects you from getting stuck with a design you don’t like. There no risk and unlimited designs to gain. Watch a quick demo video to see how it works.